Web3 is full of opportunities and challenges

Blockchain technology is the trigger for the next digital revolution that will change the world as we know it. Turing Capital offers an easy and secure way to navigate this new market.

Gas costs hinder adoption and innovation

Gas costs make it so that it becomes infeasible for users with small holdings to use certain protocols and it also restricts protocols from implementing innovative features. In order for Web3 apps and protocols to reach its full potential and scale it is crucial to maximally reduce gas costs.

Security remains a big hurdle for adoption

In 2022 alone, over $3,7 billion was lost due to more than 300 security attacks across diverse blockchains. This remains one of the main things hindering mainstream adoption.

Most token economies fail

Token economies are complex models that need to be properly designed and tested. Many projects are incapable of attracting sustained demand because of poorly designed tokenomics, which end up depriving them of long-term success.

Why choose
Turing Consulting?

Why Turing Capital
  • Pioneers

    We are the first professionalized gas optimization auditing firm worldwide and have been very early adopters of crypto, being in the space since 2012.
  • World-class talent

    Our auditors come from top security auditing firms as well as some of the biggest DeFi protocols, being able to work with the most complex projects.
  • By Web3 entrepreneurs, for Web3 entrepreneurs

    Our team has previously founded several DeFi and GameFi projects, hence being able to be fully aligned with your interests.

Our services

Turing Digital Yield

Gas Optimization

Accelerate adoption and unlock new use cases and features by maximally reducing gas costs of using your protocol through our smart contract efficiency audits. We provide three levels of optimization for you to choose what best suits your needs.
Turing Digital Alpha

Security Auditing

Identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in your smart contracts, implementation layers, frontend and entire architecture through advanced code reviews, penetration tests and static security analysis.
Venture Capital Fund


Increase the value of your token by ensuring your tokenomics are fully optimized. We design, audit, stress test and improve your tokenomics to ensure that they work flawlessly in all possible scenarios.
Turing Digital Alpha

Tech Due Diligence

We help venture capital funds and angel investors perform technological due diligence on projects they are looking to invest in, in order to identify risks and challenges and deliver recommendations on how to mitigate these.

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